One of the basic tasks of the reservoir engineer is to obtain an estimate of the volumes of hydrocarbons capable of being produced from the reservoir growth, this is called reservations.
Reservations deposits.
reserves are volumes of hydrocarbons in the reservoir that can be recovered by primary recovery techniques or traditional. The concept can be extended when energy is thought to induce reservoir or physical-chemical changes in the rock matrix and fluid rheology of obtaining a further recovery of hydrocarbons origi Nte in the reservoir.
Classification of Reserves. There
criteria that can be used to classify reserves. However, given the relationship of ownership of the deposits maintained by the State had taken the classification established by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, which ranks stocks according to the degree of certainty that one has of them.
According to this criterion, the reserves are classified as:
- proved reserves.
proved reserves is considered the volume of oil contained in reservoirs, which, having been established through production test and, according to the geological and reservoir engineering available, can be produced commercially.
- Probable reserves.
Probable reserves are those volumes contained in areas where geological and engineering information indicates, from the point of view his recovery, a lower degree of certainty compared to proven reserves.
- Possible reserves.
Possible reserves are those volumes contained in areas where geological information engineering and indicate a lesser degree of certainty compared to the probable reserves.
The value of the reserves is one of the references used when classifying sites according to their size, and give priority to projects for mining or set percentage of equity in case of exploitation a unified field. When it relates to the volumes of hydrocarbons produced, this provides an indicator of reservoir depletion and the efficiency of the mechanisms of displacement or assets.
The value of the reserves is one of the references used when classifying sites according to their size, and give priority to projects for mining or set percentage of equity in case of exploitation a unified field. When it relates to the volumes of hydrocarbons produced, this provides an indicator of reservoir depletion and the efficiency of the mechanisms of displacement or assets.
- volumetric method. Deterministic

Monte Carlo technique.
In this case is used around the reservoir analysis so its use is to sample the probability distribution of each one of the statistical parameters considered in the equation and replace the volumetric method to obtain a value of N. After repeating the above process, a significant number of times (1000 or more), the values \u200b\u200bof Ni (POES) i, are ordered in increasing sense, assigning each a value of cumulative frequency equal to: i / n + 1, where n is the number of values \u200b\u200bof N obt Enid. Then if you plot the cumulative frequency vs. N will produce a cumulative dedistribución function of these values.

- decline curves production.
curves is known as declination produ ction graphical representation of the production history, which is obtained by plotting the production rate (q) as the dependent variable using the y-axis, and as independent variables time (t) and cumulative production (Np), plotted using the x-axis, in which case we get two types of production decline curves: Curves rate - time and rate - cumulative production.
The decline curve analysis applies well for regions or the entire site, when there sufficient production history to establish a trend of behavior and then predict the remaining reserves and / or time of production is done by extrapolating from the trend. In general, looking for a type of graph where the trend is present in a linear fashion to facilitate the extrapolation.
The decline curve analysis applies well for regions or the entire site, when there sufficient production history to establish a trend of behavior and then predict the remaining reserves and / or time of production is done by extrapolating from the trend. In general, looking for a type of graph where the trend is present in a linear fashion to facilitate the extrapolation.

- Balance of materials.

- Reservoir Simulation .
The numerical simulation of a reservoir in operation evaluates scenarios of fluid and / or steam from a geothermal field and predict reservoir performance under the hypothetical addition or removal of producing wells and injectors. They are based on numerical discretization (in space and time) of partial differential equations coupled multiphase hydrothermal flow and multicomponent transport and heat and mass . In its most complete simulators can calculate phase changes (liquid, vapor, solid) of the various components and / or physicochemical reactions, eg interaction Fluid-rock, precipitation / dissolution of salts, etc.., or consider a basement with double or triple porosity, which leads to higher computation time.
A reservoir simulator can be defined as a set of computer programs, using appropriate algorithms, numerically solved the equations of the mathematical model representing the site and obtained approximate solutions of these equations. is capable of taking into account all the variations that occur at the site, therefore this tool can be obtained more satisfactory results tories which can be obtained with curves of inclination production or material balance.
Jose Rivera. Reservoir Engineering Practices. September 2004.
Jose Ramon Rodriguez. Basic Reservoir Engineering. UNIVERSITY OF East. May 2007. Pags 118-124.
A reservoir simulator can be defined as a set of computer programs, using appropriate algorithms, numerically solved the equations of the mathematical model representing the site and obtained approximate solutions of these equations. is capable of taking into account all the variations that occur at the site, therefore this tool can be obtained more satisfactory results tories which can be obtained with curves of inclination production or material balance.

Jose Rivera. Reservoir Engineering Practices. September 2004.
Jose Ramon Rodriguez. Basic Reservoir Engineering. UNIVERSITY OF East. May 2007. Pags 118-124.