Thursday, March 11, 2010

Victoria Beckham Hated In America

Eclipse Trailer Eclipse Eclipse

The trailer Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight Saga finally comes to light.

The millions of fans can seen from today a preview of the story starring Robert Pattinson ( Edward Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan ) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black ) in the third part of the Saga.

This new film continues the story that New Moon left in the air: the attraction of Bella to his best friend and werewolf Jacob, the denial of her vampire boyfriend to transform, the threat of Volturi if it does and the revenge of the dangerous Victoria (played in this film by Bryce Dallas) continues with its purpose to get revenge on humans.

In social networking fans of the Twilight Saga seem happy with the trailer. The director of Eclipse , David Slade has been faithful to the novel and the trailer you can see some scenes quite expected as the talk of Bella Edward to make the processing or the insistent Jacob , still trying to convince Bella that you choose him instead of the vampire.

The fans must settle for now with this preview of just over a minute to release in theaters on June 30 in Spain.

Can we endure? Source


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